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T. Deniz Uludag, PhD, PE, M.ASCE

Tunc Deniz Uludag, PhD, PE, M.ASCE works in Structural Engineering Department at Martin/Martin, Inc. in Lakewood, Colorado, specializing in performance-based and seismic design, and he is an adjunct professor at University of Colorado-Boulder. During his PhD at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he has researched structural dynamics and seismic energy devices. He has been recognized as a face of civil engineering by ASCE due to his significant contributions to society. He serves in the ASCE/SEI 7 - Seismic Subcommittee for the 2028 cycle. He is also the vice chair of the NCSEA seismic committee and vice chair of the SEAC seismic committee, also, a moderator at ATC/FEMA training program. He has participated in post-earthquake reconnaissance missions and shared his insights with the engineering community.



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